Joel Lyssarides

Joel Lyssarides Concerts


Joel Lyssarides is a talented Swedish musician known for his unique blend of indie pop and electronic music. With a career spanning over a decade, Lyssarides has established himself as a rising star in the music industry.

Lyssarides first gained recognition with his debut EP, "Daydreaming," which was released in 2015. The EP received critical acclaim for its catchy hooks and infectious melodies, showcasing Lyssarides' songwriting prowess. Since then, he has continued to release music that pushes boundaries and challenges the traditional norms of pop music.

One of Lyssarides' most notable accomplishments is his collaboration with renowned producer Max Martin on the hit single "Falling Down." The song topped the charts in Sweden and garnered international attention, solidifying Lyssarides' place in the music scene.

Lyssarides is known for his dynamic live performances, incorporating elements of visual art and multimedia to create an immersive experience for his audience. His energetic stage presence and captivating vocals have earned him a dedicated fan base around the world.

Overall, Joel Lyssarides is an artist who continues to push the boundaries of pop music with his innovative sound and captivating performances. Keep an eye out for this rising star as he continues to make waves in the music industry.


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