About Avanzert

Your premier guide to concerts across sophisticated music genres

Our Journey

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Our journey with Avanzert is deeply rooted in our passion for complex music, especially jazz. As avid concert-goers, we've always been captivated by the immersive experience of live music. There's an unparalleled magic in actively listening to music as it evolves right before your eyes and ears, an experience that no high-end audio system can truly replicate.

Over time, we realized that while mainstream concert sites catered well to popular tastes, they often fell short when it came to niche genres that we deeply cherished. The task of finding relevant concerts became a tedious endeavor, as it involved scanning through various label websites. These sites, with their varied formats and limited search capabilities, made the quest for finding the next evocative concert a challenge.

That's when the idea of Avanzert was born. The name, a fusion of 'Avant-Garde' and 'Konzert' (the German word for concert), perfectly encapsulates our vision: a platform dedicated to the lovers of sophisticated music, offering a centralized hub for discovering concerts that resonate with refined musical palates. With Avanzert, we aim to bridge the gap between genuine music enthusiasts and the concerts they yearn for, ensuring that the magic of live music is always just a click away.

Our Mission

At Avanzert, we are on a mission to enhance the experience of genuine music enthusiasts. Our goal is to be the bridge that connects lovers of sophisticated music with the captivating world of live concerts.

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We believe in streamlining the discovery process, making it effortless for music enthusiasts to find and enjoy live performances. Whether it's the intricate melodies of jazz or the ethereal sounds of classical music, we are here to ensure that the magic of live performances is accessible and celebrated.

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Our dedication goes beyond just enhancing concert discovery. We are committed to fostering an active community of music enthusiasts, where the beauty of music is actively listened to, felt, and shared.

Avanzert stands as a beacon for the avant-garde, ensuring that the rich tapestry of niche music genres is always at the forefront.


Meet Ole, the Founder of Avanzert

Hi, I'm Ole, the founder of Avanzert, and I'm passionate about bringing the world of live jazz and sophisticated music experiences closer to you.

Originally from Hamburg, Germany, I've been immersed in the enchanting world of jazz since my teenage years. My journey began with the iconic album "Kind of Blue," which sparked a deep appreciation for jazz music. As I delved deeper into the genre, I discovered the sublime piano melodies of Bill Evans and the rich tapestry of European Jazz.

It was through ECM Records that I unearthed a treasure trove of musical brilliance, from the mesmerizing improvisations of Keith Jarrett to the ethereal compositions of Anouar Brahem. These artists have not only shaped my musical taste but have also enriched my life in profound ways.

Upon returning to Hamburg after my studies, I had the privilege of witnessing world-class musicians perform live in my own city. The experience was transformative, igniting a desire to make live jazz and sophisticated music more accessible to enthusiasts like myself.

Driven by the frustration of missing out on concerts dedicated to ambitious genres due to inefficient tracking methods, I embarked on a mission to create Avanzert. This platform consolidates data from various sources, with a special focus on the avant-garde, experimental, and niche genres, providing easy and comprehensive search and alert features to ensure that you never miss the opportunity to see your favorite artists live.

With Avanzert, I hope to give back to the community and provide a platform that enriches the lives of music lovers worldwide. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Avanzert is a specialized platform designed to streamline the discovery of live concerts in niche music genres, including jazz, classical, electronic, and rock. It focuses on bringing enthusiasts closer to avant-garde and boundary-pushing performances, enhancing the experience with personalized discovery tools.

Avanzert distinguishes itself by focusing specifically on boundary-pushing concerts in genres like jazz, classical, electronic, and rock. Unlike broad-spectrum platforms, we aggregate data to enable intricate search capabilities, craft personalized recommendations, and develop alert systems tailored to the nuanced preferences of art music enthusiasts. This focused approach allows us to cater to those seeking an in-depth exploration of music beyond the mainstream, providing a unique, curated experience.

Avanzert is designed for those who crave the depth and richness of jazz, classical, electronic, and rock concerts that push the boundaries of the ordinary. It's the go-to platform for discerning music lovers who not only wish to explore beyond mainstream offerings but also appreciate a tailored concert discovery experience. If you're passionate about uncovering hidden musical gems and staying connected with the avant-garde music scene, Avanzert is for you.

Discovering live concerts that match your musical tastes is straightforward with Avanzert. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Search Bar: Visit Avanzert's Search Page to easily find artists, concerts, venues, cities, countries, labels, and genres. Each search result offers detailed insights and an overview of upcoming concerts in that category.
  2. Personalized Feed: Check out your personalized feed at Avanzert's Feed Page for a customized scrolling experience. You can filter concerts by proximity and genre, and further personalize your feed by following artists. Sign up to make your feed even more tailored to your tastes.
  3. World Map: Explore all upcoming concerts on a global map via Avanzert's Map Page. Navigate freely, zoom in and out, and discover events happening nearby.
  4. Custom Alerts: By signing up and configuring your preferences at Avanzert's Settings Page, you can set custom alerts based on location, label, or genre. Receive email notifications as soon as new concerts are added, ensuring you're one of the first to secure a seat.

While Avanzert does not have a dedicated mobile application, our website is fully responsive and designed for optimal performance on all devices. For users seeking an on-the-go concert discovery experience, our site can be used as a Progressive Web App (PWA), ensuring you have seamless access to our features anytime, anywhere.

The Feed feature stands out by deeply personalizing your concert discovery journey. Unlike generic event listings, our Feed dynamically adjusts to your specific music interests, from genre preferences to favorite artists and locations. It evolves as you interact with the platform, refining its recommendations to ensure you're always in tune with concerts that truly resonate with your tastes. By signing up and engaging with the Feed—following artists and setting preferences—you unlock an even more customized experience, making it simpler to find and enjoy live music that speaks directly to you.

Staying updated with your favorite artists' concerts on Avanzert is straightforward and can be achieved through two main methods:

  • Alert Feature: By signing up and configuring your preferences, you can activate custom alerts for your favorite artists, labels, or genres. This ensures you receive timely email notifications whenever new concerts are added, so you're always among the first to know.
  • Bookmarking: For a more direct approach, you can bookmark pages dedicated to specific artists, labels, or genres on Avanzert. This provides you with an organized overview of all upcoming concerts in your chosen categories, making it easy to plan your live music experiences.

These features are designed to keep you closely connected to the live music you're most passionate about, ensuring you never miss out on seeing your favorite artists perform live.

Avanzert simplifies your journey from concert discovery to attendance in several effective ways:

  • Direct Ticket Links: For many concerts, we provide direct links to ticket offerings from leading vendors such as Dice FM, SeatGeek, and Ticketmaster. You'll see available price ranges and can click through to the vendor's page to purchase tickets.
  • Preconfigured Search Links: For broader options, we include preconfigured search links to the largest ticket vendors. This ensures that if our main partners don't have tickets for an event, you can easily explore other purchasing avenues.
  • Google Search Link: In cases where finding tickets through our listed vendors isn't an option, we offer a preconfigured Google search link. This helps you locate alternative ticket sources, ensuring you have the best chance of securing attendance at your desired concerts.

These tools are designed to streamline your process of finding and buying concert tickets, making your overall live music experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Becoming a part of the Avanzert community opens up various avenues for engagement and interaction with fellow music lovers:

  • Platform Sign-Up: The first step is simple—sign up on Avanzert. This allows you to start engaging directly on our platform, where you can comment on events, share your live music experiences, and participate in discussions.
  • Follow Artists: Show your support and fine-tune your concert recommendations by following your favorite artists on Avanzert.
  • Event Comments: Join the conversation by commenting on concert events. This feature lets you connect with like-minded fans, share thoughts, and discuss your favorite performances.
  • Social Media Engagement: Extend your interactions beyond our platform by joining the Avanzert community on social media. Engage with us and other music enthusiasts on:

If you encounter any issues while using Avanzert or have suggestions to share, we encourage you to reach out through the following channels. Our customer support team is dedicated to assisting you:

Your feedback is invaluable, and we're committed to improving your experience with Avanzert.

Avanzert is committed to providing a free, seamless experience for all users. We take pride in offering:

  • A completely ad-free platform.
  • No charges for sign-ups or accessing our features.
  • A strict policy against selling user data.
  • A commitment to sustainability, using 100% renewable energy to power our site, ensuring our digital footprint is environmentally friendly.

What we offer

Dedicated Music Coverage

Our passion lies in sophisticated music genres. We ensure fast and comprehensive updates on upcoming concerts that truly resonate.

Rich Concert Context

We enrich your concert discovery experience by providing extensive context information for every event.

Effortless Ticket Search

Find tickets with ease. Our concert pages offer pre-configured search links to major ticket vendors, specific to each event's location.

Our Music Blog

Dive deeper into the music you love. Our blog offers insights, stories, and more to further enrich your musical journey.

Personalized Alerts

Never miss a beat. Registered users can set up custom alerts, ensuring you're always informed when tickets for your favorite genres go on sale.


Your data is safe with us. We don't use third-party cookies, and our servers, hosted in Iceland, prioritize your privacy.

Eco-Friendly Servers

We care for the environment. Our servers run on 100% green energy, contributing to a sustainable future.

Join the Avanzert Community

Stay updated on the latest concerts and connect with fellow music enthusiasts.

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We appreciate your interest in Avanzert. Your support means a lot to us.