Temporary Residence Limited

Temporary Residence Limited Concerts

Temporary Residence Limited, founded in 1996, is an esteemed independent music label that has made its mark in the modern musical realm. Its roots trace back to Baltimore, though it later found its home in Brooklyn, New York. Established by Jeremy DeVine, the initial intent of the label was humble; he simply wanted to release music from his band and those of his close friends. Nevertheless, as time passed, the label's horizons broadened, and it became an emblematic presence in the realms of post-rock, ambient, and experimental music.

Among the myriad of artists that have been part of Temporary Residence Limited's journey, some have had a particularly profound impact on its legacy. One such artist is the Texas-based post-rock quartet, Explosions in the Sky. Known for their cinematic instrumental narratives, their music often evokes a plethora of emotions without the need for lyrics. Their masterpiece, "The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place", is a testament to their prowess and stands as one of the gems in the label's crown.

But the story of Temporary Residence Limited is not limited to just one or two artists. Over the years, it has been home to an array of talented musicians, each bringing their unique voice and sound to the label. Their commitment to fostering eclectic and avant-garde music has allowed genres like post-rock, ambient, and experimental to flourish, reaching audiences far and wide.

Unique achievements of the label lie not just in the critical acclaim of the albums they've released, but also in their unyielding commitment to musical integrity. Temporary Residence Limited has consistently offered a platform for artists who prioritize artistry over mainstream appeal, ensuring that their music remains undiluted and true to its essence.


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