Erased Tapes Records

Erased Tapes Records Concerts

Erased Tapes Records is an independent music label known for its eclectic roster of artists and unique musical styles. Founded in 2007 by German-born Robert Raths, the label has gained recognition for its commitment to releasing innovative and boundary-pushing music.

The history of Erased Tapes Records traces back to Raths' passion for discovering new and experimental sounds. After moving to London in 2004, he began organizing intimate concerts featuring emerging musicians from various genres. Inspired by these performances, Raths decided to start his own record label with a focus on nurturing unconventional talent.

One notable aspect of Erased Tapes Records is its emphasis on artistic freedom and collaboration. The label operates under the philosophy that artists should have complete control over their creative process. This allows them to fully explore their musical visions and has attracted a diverse range of musicians who appreciate the label's supportive environment.

Over the years, Erased Tapes Records has been home to numerous notable artists who have made significant contributions to contemporary music. One such artist is Nils Frahm, a German composer renowned for his minimalist piano compositions. Frahm's albums released through Erased Tapes, such as "Felt" (2011) and "Spaces" (2013), have garnered critical acclaim and helped establish him as one of the leading figures in modern classical music.

Another prominent artist associated with Erased Tapes is Ólafur Arnalds from Iceland. Arnalds' unique blend of classical composition with electronic elements has earned him international recognition and a dedicated fan base. His album "Eulogy for Evolution" (2007), released through the label, was widely praised for its emotional depth and intricate arrangements.

In addition to Frahm and Arnalds, Erased Tapes Records represents an array of talented musicians across various genres. Each artist benefits from the label's commitment to artistic freedom, diverse musical exploration, and a supportive environment for creativity.


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