
Geese Concerts


Geese is a Brooklyn-based indie rock band formed in 2018. The group consists of members Cameron Winter (vocals, guitar), Max Bassin (bass), Dom DiGesu (drums), and Foster Hudson (guitar). Geese gained attention with their unique blend of post-punk, shoegaze, and art rock influences.

The band released their debut EP, "Projector," in 2020, which received critical acclaim for its intricate songwriting and dynamic soundscapes. Geese's music is characterized by haunting melodies, angular guitar riffs, and propulsive rhythms that create a sense of urgency and emotional depth.

In addition to their recorded music, Geese has also garnered a reputation for their energetic live performances. The band has played at numerous venues and festivals across the United States, building a dedicated fan base along the way.

Geese's innovative approach to songwriting and genre-blending has earned them comparisons to artists like Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, and Radiohead. Their willingness to experiment with different sounds and textures sets them apart in the indie rock scene.

As they continue to evolve and push boundaries in their music, Geese is poised to make a lasting impact on the contemporary music landscape. Keep an eye out for this talented group as they continue to rise in the music industry.


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