Drag City

Drag City Concerts

Drag City, established in 1989 in Chicago, Illinois, by Dan Koretzky and Dan Osborn, has carved a distinct niche within the independent music scene. Renowned for its eclectic roster and commitment to artistic freedom, Drag City has become a haven for musicians and bands that defy conventional genre boundaries. The label's ethos emphasizes creative control, allowing artists to explore and express their unique sounds without commercial pressures.

Over the years, Drag City has been home to a wide array of influential artists, including the likes of Bill Callahan (also known through his work as Smog), Joanna Newsom, and Pavement. These artists, among others in the label's diverse catalog, reflect Drag City's openness to a variety of musical styles, from indie rock and folk to experimental and alternative music. The label has also reissued works of seminal artists like John Fahey, further showcasing its dedication to preserving and celebrating the breadth of musical expression.

Drag City's impact extends beyond its impressive artist lineup; it's known for its hands-on approach to the music industry. Opting out of streaming services for many years, the label emphasized the value of physical media and the album as an art form, fostering a deeper connection between artists and their audiences. This stance, though evolving, highlighted Drag City's commitment to maintaining the integrity and quality of its music in the face of changing industry trends.

The label has also ventured into publishing and film, producing books and movies that align with its artistic vision, thereby expanding its cultural footprint. Drag City's persistence in supporting unconventional artistry has not only earned it critical acclaim but also a devoted fan base, making it a pivotal player in the landscape of independent music.


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