Domino Recording Company

Domino Recording Company Concerts

Domino Recording Company, commonly known as Domino, is a revered independent record label founded in 1993 by Laurence Bell and Jacqui Rice. The label's headquarters are in London, with additional offices in Berlin, New York, and Los Angeles, showcasing its global reach and influence in the music industry. From its inception, Domino has been celebrated for its eclectic roster and commitment to artistic integrity, distinguishing itself from mainstream labels by fostering a diverse array of musical talents and genres.

Domino's history is marked by its knack for identifying and nurturing groundbreaking artists, many of whom have achieved critical acclaim and commercial success. The label is renowned for its association with influential acts such as Arctic Monkeys, whose debut album "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" became the fastest-selling debut album in British music history, a testament to Domino's A&R prowess. Other notable artists who have called Domino home include Franz Ferdinand, whose eponymous debut album won the 2004 Mercury Prize, and The Last Shadow Puppets, further highlighting the label's knack for groundbreaking music.

The label's unique musical styles span indie rock, electronic, and experimental music, reflecting its commitment to musical diversity. Domino has also been instrumental in reviving interest in vinyl records and has achieved numerous awards, including multiple Mercury Prizes. Its dedication to artist development and its role in shaping the indie music scene underscore Domino's status as a bastion of innovative music and a key player in the independent music industry.


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