Compass Records

Compass Records Concerts

Compass Records is a prominent independent music label, renowned for its diverse catalog spanning genres such as Celtic, Bluegrass, Folk, Jazz, and Americana. Established in 1994 by Grammy-winning musician Alison Brown and her husband Garry West, Compass Records has its headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, a city synonymous with musical innovation. The label's inception was driven by a vision to provide a nurturing environment for talented artists, enabling them to create music that resonates deeply with listeners worldwide.

Over the years, Compass Records has amassed a roster of notable artists that have significantly contributed to their respective genres. These include the likes of Altan, a traditional Irish band known for their authentic Celtic tunes; the progressive bluegrass group The Infamous Stringdusters, who have pushed the boundaries of bluegrass music; and singer-songwriter Aoife O'Donovan, whose folk compositions are acclaimed for their lyrical depth and emotional resonance.

Compass Records distinguishes itself through its commitment to artistic integrity and the production of high-quality recordings. Its catalog is a testament to the label's success in promoting musical styles that blend tradition with innovation, offering fresh perspectives within established genres. Furthermore, Compass Records has achieved notable milestones, such as accolades for their artists from various music awards, demonstrating the label's significant impact on the music industry.

The label's enduring success can be attributed to its founders' passion for music and their strategic approach to artist development, ensuring that Compass Records remains a vital force in the celebration and preservation of diverse musical traditions.


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