Special Consensus

Special Consensus Concerts


Special Consensus is a Grammy-nominated bluegrass band that has been making waves in the music industry for over 45 years. Formed in 1975 by banjo player Greg Cahill, the band has released over 20 albums and has toured extensively throughout the United States and internationally.

Known for their traditional bluegrass sound with a modern twist, Special Consensus has garnered critical acclaim for their tight harmonies, impressive musicianship, and innovative songwriting. The band's style is rooted in the rich tradition of bluegrass music, but they are not afraid to push boundaries and experiment with new sounds and techniques.

Special Consensus has received numerous awards and accolades throughout their career, including a Grammy nomination for Best Bluegrass Album in 2012 for their album "Scratch Gravel Road." They have also won multiple International Bluegrass Music Association awards, including Instrumental Group of the Year and Album of the Year.

In addition to their success in the studio and on stage, Special Consensus is also dedicated to passing on the tradition of bluegrass music to future generations. They frequently host workshops and educational programs for aspiring musicians, helping to ensure that the genre continues to thrive for years to come.

Overall, Special Consensus is a talented and influential force in the world of bluegrass music, with a long history of success and a bright future ahead.


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