Math Rock

Math Rock Concerts

Math rock is a genre of music that originated in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It combines elements of progressive rock, punk rock, and indie rock with complex rhythms and unconventional time signatures. The term "math rock" was coined by music journalist Jim DeRogatis to describe the intricate and calculated nature of the genre's compositions.

One of the key characteristics of math rock is its use of irregular time signatures, often featuring odd meters such as 7/8 or 11/8. This rhythmic complexity sets it apart from other genres and gives it a distinct sound. Math rock also incorporates intricate guitar work, with musicians often using tapping techniques, complex chord progressions, and unusual tunings.

The origins of math rock can be traced back to bands like Slint and Bastro in the late 1980s. Slint's album "Spiderland" (1991) is considered a seminal work in the genre, with its atmospheric soundscapes, angular guitar riffs, and whispered vocals. Other influential bands from this era include Don Caballero, Shellac, and Rodan.

Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, math rock continued to evolve with bands like Battles pushing the boundaries of the genre. Battles' debut album "Mirrored" (2007) received critical acclaim for its complex rhythms, catchy melodies, and innovative use of electronics. This album brought math rock into the mainstream consciousness and influenced many subsequent artists.

In recent years, math rock has seen a resurgence in popularity with new bands emerging from around the world. Japanese band Toe gained international recognition for their melodic approach to math rock on albums like "For Long Tomorrow" (2009). American band Tera Melos has also made significant contributions to the genre with their experimental blend of math rock, noise pop, and jazz fusion.

Math rock's impact on the global music scene cannot be overstated.


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