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Concerts in Japan


The Tokyo Jazz Festival, held annually, is a significant event that highlights both local and international jazz talent. The festival promotes Japan's thriving jazz scene and attracts enthusiasts from around the world. Classical music in Japan has a strong presence, with the influence of renowned composers such as Toru Takemitsu and Tōru Takemitsu. The Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, a premier concert hall, hosts a variety of classical performances, including concerts by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and other international ensembles. The Earth Celebration, held on Sado Island, is an annual world music festival organized by the renowned Japanese taiko drumming group Kodo. This event showcases traditional Japanese music alongside various global genres, promoting cultural exchange and appreciation. Ambient and experimental music have found a niche in Japan's music scene, with events like the Tokyo Festival of Modular showcasing cutting-edge electronic and experimental music. This festival features live performances and workshops by both local and international artists, exploring the boundaries of contemporary sound.


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