Sofia Kourtesis

Sofia Kourtesis live in Montreal

Aug. 2, 2024 at Osheaga Festival 2024 in Montreal, Canada

Sofia Kourtesis is set to perform at the Osheaga Festival in Montreal, Canada on August 2, 2024. Known for her unique blend of electronic and house music, Kourtesis's style incorporates elements of Latin rhythms and melodies, creating a dynamic and infectious sound that sets her apart in the music scene.

The Osheaga Festival is a highly anticipated annual music event that takes place at Parc Jean-Drapeau in Montreal. With a history dating back to 2006, the festival has become one of the largest and most renowned music festivals in Canada, attracting top-tier artists and music lovers from around the world. The venue offers stunning views of downtown Montreal and the Saint Lawrence River, providing a picturesque backdrop for attendees to enjoy live music performances.

Sofia Kourtesis's upcoming concert at Osheaga Festival 2024 promises to be a highlight of the event, showcasing her talent as a producer and DJ. Fans can expect an energetic and immersive experience as Kourtesis takes the stage to deliver her signature sound to a captivated audience. With her innovative approach to electronic music and infectious beats, Sofia Kourtesis is sure to leave a lasting impression on festival-goers at Osheaga.


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