Experimental House

Experimental House Concerts


Experimental House is a genre of electronic music that emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It combines elements of house music with experimental and avant-garde approaches, resulting in a unique and innovative sound. This genre pushes the boundaries of traditional house music by incorporating unconventional sounds, structures, and production techniques.

The origins of Experimental House can be traced back to the underground club scenes in cities like Chicago, Detroit, and New York. Artists such as Larry Heard, Derrick May, and Kevin Saunderson were instrumental in developing this genre by experimenting with different sounds and styles within the framework of house music.

One key characteristic of Experimental House is its use of non-traditional instruments and samples. Artists often incorporate found sounds, field recordings, and obscure samples into their tracks to create a sense of unpredictability and experimentation. This approach challenges the listener's expectations while still maintaining the driving rhythms and infectious grooves associated with house music.

Over time, Experimental House has evolved alongside advancements in technology and production techniques. As new equipment became available, artists began exploring more complex soundscapes and textures. The incorporation of synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, and digital effects further expanded the sonic possibilities within this genre.

Several significant artists have made notable contributions to Experimental House. Aphex Twin's album "Selected Ambient Works 85-92" released in 1992 showcased his unique blend of ambient textures with elements of house music. The album was praised for its innovative sound design and helped popularize Experimental House on a global scale.

Another influential artist within this genre is Autechre. Their album "Incunabula" released in 1993 combined intricate rhythms with abstract melodies to create a distinct experimental sound that pushed the boundaries of what was considered traditional house music at the time.

The impact of Experimental House on the global music scene cannot be understated. Its willingness to challenge conventions has influenced countless artists across various genres, from electronic music to indie rock.


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