Kian Soltani

Kian Soltani live in London

Oct. 18, 2024 at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, United Kingdom

Kian Soltani, an acclaimed Austrian-Persian cellist known for his captivating performances, is scheduled to take the stage at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, United Kingdom on October 18, 2024.

Soltani's music style is a blend of classical and contemporary influences, showcasing his technical mastery and emotional depth. He has garnered praise for his rich tone and expressive interpretations, making him a sought-after artist in the classical music world.

Queen Elizabeth Hall, located on the Southbank Centre complex along the River Thames, is a renowned venue known for its exceptional acoustics and diverse programming. The hall has a rich history of hosting world-class musicians and ensembles across various genres, making it a cultural hub in London.

The upcoming concert by Kian Soltani promises to be a memorable evening for classical music enthusiasts, offering a chance to experience his unique artistry in a prestigious setting. With its iconic design and reputation for excellence, Queen Elizabeth Hall provides an ideal backdrop for Soltani's performance, creating an immersive and unforgettable musical experience for attendees.