El Khat

El Khat live in London

Oct. 9, 2024 at 100 Club in London, United Kingdom

El Khat, a band known for their unique fusion of Yemeni folk music with contemporary sounds, is set to perform at the iconic 100 Club in London, United Kingdom on October 9, 2024.

El Khat's music style incorporates traditional Yemeni melodies, rhythms, and instruments such as the oud and qanbus, blending them with modern electronic beats and production techniques. The result is a captivating and innovative sound that appeals to a diverse audience.

The 100 Club holds a significant place in London's music scene, having been established in 1942 and hosting performances by legendary artists such as The Rolling Stones, The Sex Pistols, and Oasis. With a capacity of 350 people, the venue offers an intimate setting that allows for an up-close and personal concert experience.

Known for its eclectic programming that spans various genres including rock, punk, jazz, and world music, the 100 Club continues to attract both established acts and emerging artists. Its rich history and central location in Oxford Street make it a popular choice for both performers and music enthusiasts alike.

Fans of El Khat can expect an unforgettable evening of vibrant music that transcends cultural boundaries at their upcoming concert at the historic 100 Club in London.