Avi Avital

Avi Avital live in Bolzano - Bozen

Aug. 8, 2024 at Schloss Maretsch - Castel Mareccio in Bolzano - Bozen, Italy

Avi Avital, an Israeli mandolinist, known for his virtuosic and innovative approach to the instrument, will be performing at Schloss Maretsch - Castel Mareccio in Bolzano - Bozen, Italy on August 8, 2024. Avital's music style blends classical compositions with traditional folk music, creating a unique and captivating sound that appeals to a wide range of audiences.

Schloss Maretsch - Castel Mareccio is a historic castle located in Bolzano - Bozen, Italy. The castle dates back to the 13th century and has undergone various renovations over the centuries, resulting in a blend of architectural styles that showcase its rich history. The castle is surrounded by picturesque vineyards and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, providing a beautiful backdrop for cultural events such as concerts.

The upcoming concert at Schloss Maretsch - Castel Mareccio promises to be a memorable evening of music in a breathtaking setting. Avi Avital's mastery of the mandolin combined with the historical charm of the castle is sure to create a magical atmosphere for all attendees. Whether you are a fan of classical music or simply looking for a unique cultural experience, this concert is not to be missed.