Rose City Band

Rose City Band Concerts


Rose City Band is a musical project led by guitarist and songwriter Ripley Johnson, known for his work with psychedelic rock bands Wooden Shjips and Moon Duo. The band's music can be described as a blend of psychedelic rock, folk, and country, creating a dreamy and introspective sound that transports listeners to another world.

Since its formation in 2015, Rose City Band has released several critically acclaimed albums, including their self-titled debut in 2019 and their sophomore album "Summerlong" in 2020. Both albums have received praise for their lush instrumentation, intricate arrangements, and Johnson's evocative songwriting.

One of Rose City Band's standout accomplishments is their ability to captivate audiences with their mesmerizing live performances. Johnson's masterful guitar playing combined with the band's tight musicianship creates an immersive experience that leaves fans wanting more.

In addition to their musical prowess, Rose City Band has also garnered a dedicated following within the indie music scene, earning them a reputation as one of the most exciting acts to watch.

Overall, Rose City Band is a must-listen for fans of psychedelic rock and folk music. With their unique sound and captivating performances, they are sure to continue making waves in the music industry for years to come.


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