Neil Hamburger

Neil Hamburger Concerts


Neil Hamburger is a unique and enigmatic musical artist who has carved out a distinctive niche in the world of alternative comedy. Born Gregg Turkington, Neil Hamburger adopted his stage persona as a washed-up, sleazy lounge singer with an intentionally terrible sense of humor. His career spans over two decades, during which he has gained a dedicated following and achieved notable accomplishments.

Hamburger's style can be described as anti-comedy, characterized by his deliberately awkward and cringe-inducing delivery. He combines elements of stand-up comedy with music, often performing alongside a live band or recorded tracks. His songs are typically darkly humorous and filled with absurdity, often targeting pop culture figures or satirizing various aspects of society.

Throughout his career, Neil Hamburger has released numerous albums that showcase his unique brand of comedy. His debut album, "America's Funnyman," was released in 1996 and was followed by several critically acclaimed records such as "Great Phone Calls" (1999) and "Inside Neil Hamburger" (2003). These albums have garnered praise for their subversive nature and unconventional approach to comedy.

In addition to his recorded work, Hamburger has toured extensively around the world, performing at various venues ranging from small clubs to larger theaters. His live performances are known for their unpredictable nature and audience interaction, often leaving attendees in stitches while simultaneously questioning their own sense of humor.

Neil Hamburger's accomplishments extend beyond the realm of comedy albums and live shows.


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