Turkish Classical Performance

Turkish Classical Performance Concerts


Turkish Classical Performance is a genre of music that has its roots in the Ottoman Empire and dates back to the 14th century. It is characterized by its use of traditional Turkish instruments such as the oud, ney, and kanun, as well as its complex melodies and rhythms.

Over time, Turkish Classical Performance has evolved to incorporate elements of Western classical music and other genres, resulting in a unique blend of sounds that is both traditional and modern. Some key characteristics of this genre include improvisation, ornamentation, and a strong emphasis on emotion and storytelling.

Some significant artists associated with Turkish Classical Performance include Munir Nurettin Selcuk, Zeki Muren, and Sezen Aksu. Albums such as "Klasikler" by Kudsi Erguner and "Bir Zamanlar Istanbul'da" by Ahmet Ozhan have also made a significant impact on the global music scene.

Overall, Turkish Classical Performance continues to be a vibrant and influential genre that showcases the rich musical heritage of Turkey. Its fusion of traditional Turkish music with contemporary influences has helped to introduce Turkish culture to audiences around the world.


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