Swedish House

Swedish House Concerts


Swedish House is a subgenre of electronic dance music that originated in Sweden in the late 2000s. Known for its melodic and uplifting sound, Swedish House music incorporates elements of progressive house, electro house, and trance.

Key characteristics of Swedish House music include catchy melodies, pulsating beats, and soaring synths. Artists like Swedish House Mafia, Avicii, Alesso, and Axwell have been instrumental in popularizing the genre both in Sweden and internationally.

One of the most influential albums associated with Swedish House music is Swedish House Mafia's "Until Now," which featured hit tracks like "Don't You Worry Child" and "Save the World." Avicii's debut album "True" also had a significant impact on the genre with its fusion of country and electronic music.

Over time, Swedish House music has evolved to incorporate elements from other genres such as pop and hip-hop. The genre has had a major influence on the global music scene, with artists like Avicii achieving mainstream success and headlining major music festivals around the world.

Overall, Swedish House music continues to be a popular genre within the electronic dance music community, known for its infectious melodies and high-energy productions.


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