Smooth Saxophone

Smooth Saxophone Concerts


Smooth Saxophone is a genre of music that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s, blending elements of jazz, R&B, and pop to create a soothing and melodic sound. The genre is characterized by the prominent use of the saxophone as the lead instrument, often accompanied by smooth and mellow instrumentation such as keyboards, guitars, and drums.

One of the key artists associated with Smooth Saxophone is Kenny G, whose album "Breathless" released in 1992 became one of the best-selling instrumental albums of all time. Other notable artists in this genre include David Sanborn, Grover Washington Jr., and Candy Dulfer.

Smooth Saxophone has had a significant impact on the global music scene, with its relaxing and easy-listening sound appealing to a wide audience. The genre has been used in various contexts such as background music for restaurants, elevators, and relaxation therapy. It has also been featured in numerous film soundtracks and commercials.

Over time, Smooth Saxophone has evolved to incorporate elements of contemporary jazz, soul, and electronic music. Artists continue to experiment with new sounds and styles while staying true to the genre's signature smooth and melodic qualities.


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