Psychedelic Trance

Psychedelic Trance Concerts

Psychedelic Trance, also known as Psytrance, is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the 1990s. It combines elements of traditional trance music with psychedelic sounds and rhythms to create a unique and immersive listening experience. Key characteristics of Psychedelic Trance include repetitive beats, complex layered melodies, and futuristic sound effects.

Some significant artists in the Psytrance genre include Infected Mushroom, Astrix, and Shpongle. Infected Mushroom's album "Converting Vegetarians" and Shpongle's album "Tales of the Inexpressible" are considered classics in the genre.

Over time, Psychedelic Trance has evolved to incorporate influences from other electronic music genres such as techno, house, and drum and bass. This evolution has led to the creation of subgenres like Darkpsy, Full-On, and Progressive Psytrance.

Psychedelic Trance has had a significant impact on the global music scene, with its hypnotic rhythms and mind-bending soundscapes attracting a dedicated following of fans around the world. Festivals like Boom Festival in Portugal and Ozora Festival in Hungary have become popular destinations for Psytrance enthusiasts looking to immerse themselves in the music and culture of the genre.

Overall, Psychedelic Trance continues to push boundaries and explore new sonic territories, making it a vibrant and dynamic genre within the electronic music landscape.


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