Progressive Psytrance

Progressive Psytrance Concerts


Progressive Psytrance is a subgenre of Psychedelic Trance that originated in the early 2000s. It combines elements of traditional Psytrance with progressive house and techno influences, resulting in a more melodic and structured sound. Key characteristics of Progressive Psytrance include a slower BPM (around 130-140), evolving melodies, and intricate rhythmic patterns.

Over time, Progressive Psytrance has evolved to incorporate elements from other electronic music genres, such as ambient, dubstep, and even classical music. This evolution has led to a diverse range of sounds within the genre, appealing to a wide audience of electronic music enthusiasts.

Some significant artists associated with Progressive Psytrance include Ace Ventura, Liquid Soul, Astrix, and Captain Hook. Albums like Ace Ventura's "Paradise Engineering" and Liquid Soul's "Revolution" have been well-received by fans and critics alike.

Progressive Psytrance has had a significant impact on the global music scene, influencing other genres and artists across the electronic music spectrum. Its blend of hypnotic rhythms, intricate melodies, and futuristic soundscapes continues to captivate audiences at festivals and clubs around the world.


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