Ohio Indie

Ohio Indie Concerts


Ohio Indie is a genre of music that originated in the state of Ohio, United States. It is characterized by its DIY ethos, lo-fi production, and a focus on alternative rock and pop influences. Ohio Indie emerged in the 1990s with bands like Guided by Voices and The Breeders gaining popularity for their unique sound and independent spirit.

Over time, Ohio Indie has evolved to incorporate elements of folk, punk, and electronic music, creating a diverse and vibrant scene within the state. Bands such as Cloud Nothings, The Black Keys, and Wussy have continued to push the boundaries of the genre and gain recognition both locally and internationally.

Some key albums associated with Ohio Indie include "Bee Thousand" by Guided by Voices, "Last Splash" by The Breeders, and "Attack & Release" by The Black Keys. These albums have been praised for their innovative sound and influence on the global music scene.

Overall, Ohio Indie has had a significant impact on indie music as a whole, inspiring countless artists to embrace a DIY mentality and create music that is authentic and unconventional. Its legacy continues to thrive today as new bands emerge from Ohio's vibrant music scene.

Concert Schedule

Concert Date Artist Venue City
