Nz Electronic

Nz Electronic Concerts


NZ Electronic music is a genre that originated in New Zealand in the late 1990s, influenced by various electronic music styles such as house, techno, and drum and bass. Key characteristics of NZ Electronic music include intricate beats, experimental soundscapes, and a fusion of traditional Maori instruments with modern electronic elements.

Over time, NZ Electronic music has evolved to incorporate a wide range of influences, from hip-hop and dubstep to ambient and glitch. Significant artists in the genre include Pitch Black, Shapeshifter, and The Upbeats, who have gained international recognition for their innovative sound and high-energy live performances.

Notable albums associated with NZ Electronic music include Pitch Black's "Futureproof" (2002), Shapeshifter's "Soulstice" (2006), and The Upbeats' "Primitive Technique" (2013). These albums showcase the diversity and creativity of the genre, drawing on a variety of musical traditions while pushing boundaries in terms of production techniques and sonic experimentation.

NZ Electronic music has had a significant impact on the global music scene, influencing artists and producers around the world with its unique blend of electronic and indigenous sounds. As the genre continues to evolve and innovate, it remains an important part of New Zealand's vibrant musical landscape.

Concert Schedule

Concert Date Artist Venue City
