Miami Electronic

Miami Electronic Concerts


Miami Electronic is a subgenre of electronic music that originated in Miami, Florida in the 1980s. It is characterized by its fusion of electronic beats with elements of Latin, Caribbean, and funk music. The genre gained popularity in the Miami club scene and has since evolved to incorporate influences from various other genres such as house, techno, and hip-hop.

One of the key characteristics of Miami Electronic is its high-energy and upbeat sound, making it perfect for dancing and partying. Artists associated with this genre include Afrobeta, Otto Von Schirach, and DJ Craze. Some notable albums within the Miami Electronic genre include "Bass Mekanik Presents: Bassotronics" by Bass Mekanik and "Miami Sound Machine" by Gloria Estefan.

Over time, Miami Electronic has had a significant impact on the global music scene, influencing artists and producers worldwide. Its unique blend of electronic elements with Latin and Caribbean rhythms has helped to shape the sound of modern electronic music. The genre continues to evolve and grow, with new artists emerging and pushing boundaries within the Miami Electronic scene.

Overall, Miami Electronic remains a vibrant and dynamic genre that continues to captivate audiences with its infectious beats and energetic sound.


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