Late Romantic Era

Late Romantic Era Concerts


The Late Romantic Era, also known as the Post-Romantic Era, was a period in music history that spanned from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. This genre emerged as a continuation of the Romantic Era, characterized by an emphasis on emotional expression, lush harmonies, and expansive forms.

Key characteristics of the Late Romantic Era include an increased use of chromaticism, expanded tonality, and a greater focus on orchestration. Composers during this time sought to push the boundaries of traditional tonal harmony and explore new avenues of expression.

Notable artists associated with the Late Romantic Era include composers such as Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, and Sergei Rachmaninoff. Mahler's symphonies are particularly renowned for their emotional depth and innovative orchestration, while Strauss's tone poems showcase his mastery of orchestral color and drama.

The Late Romantic Era had a significant impact on the global music scene, influencing composers across genres and regions. Its legacy can be heard in the works of later composers such as Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, who would go on to push the boundaries of tonality even further in the 20th century.

Overall, the Late Romantic Era represents a period of innovation and experimentation in classical music, leaving behind a rich legacy that continues to inspire musicians today.

Concert Schedule

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