Irish Modern Jazz

Irish Modern Jazz Concerts


Irish Modern Jazz is a genre that combines traditional Irish musical elements with the improvisational nature of jazz. It originated in the 1960s and 1970s, influenced by musicians such as saxophonist Michael Buckley and pianist Ronan Guilfoyle. The key characteristics of Irish Modern Jazz include complex harmonies, unconventional time signatures, and a strong emphasis on individual expression through improvisation.

Over time, Irish Modern Jazz has evolved to incorporate a wider range of influences, including electronic music and world music. Significant artists associated with this genre include drummer Kevin Brady, guitarist Mike Nielsen, and saxophonist Meilana Gillard. Albums such as "The Gathering" by Ronan Guilfoyle's band, and "Outlier" by Michael Buckley have received critical acclaim for their innovative approach to blending Irish and jazz traditions.

Irish Modern Jazz has had a significant impact on the global music scene, gaining recognition for its unique fusion of cultural influences. It has helped to showcase the talent of Irish musicians on an international stage and has contributed to the diversity of jazz music worldwide. Overall, Irish Modern Jazz continues to evolve and push boundaries, attracting listeners with its distinctive sound and creative approach to musical expression.

Concert Schedule

Concert Date Artist Venue City
