Indian Classical

Indian Classical Concerts


Indian Classical music is a traditional genre that has its roots in ancient Hindu scriptures and has been passed down through generations. It is divided into two main branches: Hindustani, from North India, and Carnatic, from South India. Both styles share common elements such as ragas (melodic patterns) and talas (rhythmic patterns), but differ in their approach to improvisation and ornamentation.

Key characteristics of Indian Classical music include the use of intricate melodies, complex rhythms, and a strong emphasis on improvisation. Instruments commonly used in this genre include the sitar, tabla, tanpura, and flute.

Over time, Indian Classical music has evolved to incorporate influences from other musical traditions, leading to the emergence of fusion genres like Indo-jazz and world music. Notable artists who have made significant contributions to Indian Classical music include Ravi Shankar, Zakir Hussain, Lata Mangeshkar, and M.S. Subbulakshmi.

Albums like Ravi Shankar's "West Meets East" and Zakir Hussain's "Making Music" have helped popularize Indian Classical music on a global scale. The genre's impact on the global music scene can be seen in collaborations with Western artists like The Beatles and John Coltrane, as well as its influence on contemporary genres such as electronic music and hip-hop.


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