German Prog

German Prog Concerts


German Prog, also known as Krautrock, is a genre of progressive rock music that originated in Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It was characterized by its experimental and avant-garde approach to rock music, incorporating elements of electronic, psychedelic, and jazz influences.

Key characteristics of German Prog included lengthy instrumental passages, complex song structures, and a focus on improvisation. Bands like Can, Faust, and Tangerine Dream were pioneers of the genre, pushing boundaries with their innovative soundscapes and unconventional songwriting techniques.

Over time, German Prog evolved to incorporate more diverse influences such as world music, punk rock, and industrial sounds. Artists like Kraftwerk and Neu! further popularized the genre with their groundbreaking albums that influenced a wide range of musicians across different genres.

Significant albums associated with German Prog include "Tago Mago" by Can, "Faust IV" by Faust, and "Phaedra" by Tangerine Dream. These albums are considered classics within the genre and have had a lasting impact on the global music scene.

Overall, German Prog remains an influential genre in the history of rock music, known for its experimentation and boundary-pushing creativity that continues to inspire artists to this day.

Concert Schedule

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