Garage House

Garage House Concerts

Garage House is a subgenre of house music that originated in the early 1980s in New York City. It combines elements of garage rock and deep house, creating a unique sound characterized by soulful vocals, funky basslines, and jazzy piano chords.

Key characteristics of Garage House include its uplifting and feel-good vibes, often incorporating live instrumentation and gospel-inspired melodies. Artists like Kerri Chandler, Masters at Work, and Todd Terry are pioneers of the genre, known for their influential contributions to the scene.

Over time, Garage House has evolved to incorporate elements of disco, funk, and R&B, leading to the emergence of subgenres like UK Garage and Deep House. Significant albums associated with Garage House include "The Album" by Masters at Work and "A Basement, A Red Light And A Feelin'" by Kerri Chandler.

Garage House has had a significant impact on the global music scene, influencing artists across various genres and regions. Its infectious grooves and soulful melodies have made it a staple in clubs and festivals worldwide. The genre continues to evolve and thrive, with new artists putting their own spin on the classic sound while staying true to its roots.


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