Full On

Full On Concerts

Full On is a subgenre of psychedelic trance music that originated in the late 1990s in Israel. Known for its high energy and fast tempo, Full On is characterized by intense basslines, intricate melodies, and futuristic sound effects. Artists often incorporate elements of Goa trance, techno, and house music into their tracks to create a dynamic and euphoric listening experience.

Some key characteristics of Full On include complex rhythmic patterns, hypnotic arpeggios, and powerful build-ups leading to explosive drops. The genre is designed to be played at outdoor festivals and raves, where the driving beats and trippy sounds can transport listeners into a state of trance-like euphoria.

Over time, Full On has evolved to include influences from other electronic music genres such as dubstep, drum and bass, and progressive house. Some notable artists associated with the genre include Infected Mushroom, Astrix, GMS (Growling Mad Scientists), Skazi, and Vini Vici. Albums like Infected Mushroom's "Converting Vegetarians" and Astrix's "Artcore" have been highly influential in shaping the sound of Full On.

Full On has had a significant impact on the global music scene, with its infectious rhythms and mind-bending soundscapes attracting a dedicated following of fans around the world. Its energetic vibe and futuristic sound have made it a staple in the electronic dance music community.


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