Electro Jazz

Electro Jazz Concerts


Electro Jazz is a genre that blends elements of jazz music with electronic music, creating a unique and innovative sound. It originated in the late 1990s as artists began experimenting with combining traditional jazz instruments and improvisational techniques with electronic beats and production techniques.

Key characteristics of Electro Jazz include the use of synthesizers, drum machines, and samples alongside traditional jazz instruments like saxophones, trumpets, and pianos. The genre often incorporates complex rhythms, harmonies, and melodies, creating a fusion of old and new sounds.

Over time, Electro Jazz has evolved to incorporate influences from other genres such as hip-hop, funk, and house music. Significant artists in the Electro Jazz scene include St Germain, Bonobo, and The Cinematic Orchestra. Albums like St Germain's "Tourist" and Bonobo's "Black Sands" have received critical acclaim for their innovative approach to blending jazz and electronic music.

The impact of Electro Jazz on the global music scene has been significant, influencing a new generation of musicians to experiment with different genres and push boundaries in their creative expression. The genre has helped to bridge the gap between traditional jazz listeners and fans of electronic music, creating a fresh and exciting sound that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.


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