Dutch Prog

Dutch Prog Concerts


Dutch Prog is a subgenre of progressive rock that originated in the Netherlands in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It is characterized by complex song structures, intricate instrumental arrangements, and often incorporates elements of jazz, classical music, and psychedelic rock.

One of the key characteristics of Dutch Prog is its emphasis on experimentation and innovation, with bands like Focus and Earth & Fire pushing boundaries with their unique sound. Focus, in particular, gained international success with their hit song "Hocus Pocus" and albums like "Moving Waves."

Over time, Dutch Prog continued to evolve, with bands like Kayak and Trace adding their own twist to the genre. Kayak's album "Royal Bed Bouncer" is considered a classic in the Dutch Prog scene.

While Dutch Prog may not have had as much global recognition as other prog rock scenes from countries like the UK or Italy, it has still made a significant impact on the music world. The genre's influence can be heard in modern prog rock bands and continues to inspire musicians around the world.

Overall, Dutch Prog remains an important part of progressive rock history, known for its innovative approach to music and dedication to pushing boundaries within the genre.


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