Dutch Classical Piano

Dutch Classical Piano Concerts


Dutch Classical Piano is a genre of classical music that has its origins in the Netherlands. Key characteristics of this genre include a focus on technical precision, emotional expression, and a strong sense of musicality. Dutch Classical Piano has evolved over time to incorporate elements of modern composition while still maintaining a strong connection to traditional classical music.

Some significant artists associated with Dutch Classical Piano include Rian de Waal, Ronald Brautigam, and Hannes Minnaar. These artists have made significant contributions to the genre through their performances and recordings, showcasing the talent and innovation present in Dutch classical piano music.

One notable album associated with Dutch Classical Piano is Rian de Waal's recording of works by Dutch composer Julius Röntgen. This album highlights the rich musical heritage of the Netherlands and showcases the technical skill and artistry of Dutch classical pianists.

Overall, Dutch Classical Piano has had a significant impact on the global music scene, with Dutch pianists gaining recognition for their exceptional talent and unique interpretations of classical works. The genre continues to evolve and thrive, attracting audiences from around the world with its blend of tradition and innovation.

Concert Schedule

Concert Date Artist Venue City
