Double Drumming

Double Drumming Concerts


Double drumming is a genre that emerged in the late 1960s and gained popularity throughout the 1970s. It involves two drummers playing together, creating a unique and powerful sound. This style originated from the rock and jazz fusion movement, where musicians sought to push boundaries and experiment with new sounds.

One of the key characteristics of double drumming is the synchronization between the two drummers. They work together to create complex rhythms and patterns that enhance the overall musical experience. This technique allows for more intricate beats, fills, and improvisations, adding depth and complexity to the music.

The origins of double drumming can be traced back to bands like Cream, featuring Ginger Baker on drums, who often played alongside other renowned drummers such as Mitch Mitchell from The Jimi Hendrix Experience. These collaborations showcased the potential of having multiple drummers on stage simultaneously.

As double drumming gained popularity, it became a defining feature of progressive rock bands like Yes and Genesis. These bands incorporated elaborate compositions with extended instrumental sections that allowed both drummers to showcase their skills. Albums such as "Fragile" by Yes (1971) and "Selling England by the Pound" by Genesis (1973) exemplify this genre's evolution during this era.

Another significant artist associated with double drumming is Neil Peart from Rush. His technical prowess and innovative approach to percussion made him one of the most influential drummers in rock history. Peart's collaboration with drummer John Rutsey on early Rush albums laid down the foundation for their distinctive sound.

Over time, double drumming has evolved beyond its initial rock roots. It has found its way into other genres such as funk, metal, and even world music. Bands like Living Colour incorporated elements of funk into their music while utilizing double drums for added groove and intensity.

In recent years, artists like Tool have brought double drumming back into mainstream attention with their complex and polyrhythmic compositions.


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