Deep Smooth Jazz

Deep Smooth Jazz Concerts


Deep Smooth Jazz is a subgenre of jazz music that blends traditional jazz elements with a smooth, mellow sound. It originated in the late 1970s and early 1980s, drawing influence from artists like George Benson, Grover Washington Jr., and Bob James.

Key characteristics of Deep Smooth Jazz include soulful melodies, laid-back rhythms, and a focus on improvisation. The genre often features lush arrangements, silky saxophone solos, and intricate guitar work. It is known for creating a relaxing and soothing atmosphere for listeners.

Over time, Deep Smooth Jazz has evolved to incorporate elements of R&B, funk, and even electronic music. Artists like Boney James, Najee, and Brian Culbertson have helped push the genre forward with their innovative sounds and unique approaches to composition.

Significant albums in the Deep Smooth Jazz genre include "Breezin'" by George Benson, "Winelight" by Grover Washington Jr., and "One on One" by Bob James and Earl Klugh. These albums have had a lasting impact on the global music scene, influencing countless musicians across various genres.

Overall, Deep Smooth Jazz continues to thrive as a popular genre among jazz enthusiasts and casual listeners alike. Its fusion of smooth grooves and sophisticated harmonies make it a timeless style that resonates with audiences around the world.


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