Croatian Electronic

Croatian Electronic Concerts


Croatian Electronic music has its roots in the late 1990s when electronic music started gaining popularity in Croatia. The genre combines elements of traditional Croatian music with modern electronic beats, creating a unique sound that sets it apart from other electronic genres.

Key characteristics of Croatian Electronic music include the use of traditional Croatian instruments such as the tamburica and gusle, as well as incorporating elements of folk music into electronic compositions. This fusion of old and new creates a rich and dynamic sound that appeals to a wide range of listeners.

Over time, Croatian Electronic music has evolved to incorporate more experimental and avant-garde elements, pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the genre. Artists such as Petar Dundov, Eddy Ramich, and Le Chocolat Noir have made significant contributions to the genre, releasing critically acclaimed albums that have helped put Croatian Electronic music on the global map.

The impact of Croatian Electronic music on the global scene cannot be understated, with artists from Croatia regularly performing at international festivals and events. The genre continues to grow and evolve, attracting new fans from around the world who are drawn to its unique blend of traditional and modern sounds.

Concert Schedule

Concert Date Artist Venue City
