Canadian House

Canadian House Concerts


Canadian House is a subgenre of electronic dance music that originated in Canada in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, repetitive beats, and use of synthesizers and drum machines. Canadian House music often incorporates elements of other genres such as techno, disco, and funk.

Some key characteristics of Canadian House include its emphasis on melody and harmony, as well as its use of vocal samples and catchy hooks. Over time, Canadian House has evolved to incorporate more diverse influences from around the world, leading to a more eclectic and dynamic sound.

Notable artists associated with Canadian House include Deadmau5, Tiga, Art Department, and Jacques Greene. Albums such as Deadmau5's "Random Album Title" and Tiga's "Ciao!" have helped to popularize the genre both in Canada and internationally.

Canadian House music has had a significant impact on the global music scene, with artists from Canada influencing the development of electronic dance music worldwide. The genre continues to evolve and adapt to new trends while maintaining its distinctive sound and style.


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