
Brostep Concerts

Brostep is a subgenre of electronic dance music (EDM) that originated in the early 2000s. It is characterized by its aggressive and heavy sound, combining elements of dubstep, drum and bass, and electro-house. Brostep gained popularity in the United States during the mid-2000s and has since evolved into a prominent genre within the EDM scene.

The term "brostep" was coined to distinguish this new style from traditional dubstep, which had a deeper, darker sound. Brostep is known for its high energy levels, intense bass drops, and use of harsh and distorted sounds. It often features aggressive and fast-paced rhythms, incorporating heavy metal-inspired elements such as guitar-like synths and aggressive vocal samples.

One of the key figures associated with brostep is Skrillex, who played a significant role in popularizing the genre. His 2010 EP "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" became a breakthrough release for brostep, introducing it to a wider audience. Skrillex's success opened doors for other artists such as Excision, Datsik, and Knife Party to gain recognition within the genre.

Over time, brostep has evolved further with artists experimenting with different styles and incorporating diverse influences. Some notable albums that have contributed to its evolution include Zomboy's "The Outbreak," Flux Pavilion's "Blow the Roof," and Excision's "Virus.


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