Broken Beat

Broken Beat Concerts

Broken Beat is a genre of electronic music that originated in the UK in the late 1990s. It is characterized by its syncopated rhythms, irregular drum patterns, and influences from jazz, funk, and soul music. The genre emerged as a fusion of various styles such as house, hip-hop, and drum and bass.

Key characteristics of Broken Beat include complex drum programming, live instrumentation, and an emphasis on groove and rhythm. Artists like Bugz in the Attic, 4hero, and IG Culture are considered pioneers of the genre, blending electronic production techniques with organic elements to create a unique sound.

Over time, Broken Beat has evolved to incorporate elements from other genres such as afrobeat, dubstep, and techno. This evolution has led to the genre gaining popularity worldwide, with artists like Theo Parrish, Dego, and Mark de Clive-Lowe pushing the boundaries of Broken Beat music.

Significant albums associated with Broken Beat include "One Offs... Remixes & B-Sides" by Bugz in the Attic and "Creating Patterns" by 4hero. These albums have had a significant impact on the global music scene by influencing other genres like future jazz and nu-jazz.

In conclusion, Broken Beat is a dynamic genre that continues to evolve while maintaining its roots in electronic music and live instrumentation. Its influence can be heard across various genres and has played a significant role in shaping contemporary electronic music.


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