Australian House

Australian House Concerts

Australian House music has its roots in the late 1980s and early 1990s, influenced by the burgeoning dance music scene in Australia at the time. The genre is characterized by its upbeat tempo, repetitive beats, and use of synthesizers and electronic elements. Australian House music often incorporates elements of other genres such as techno, disco, and funk.

Over time, Australian House music has evolved to incorporate a more diverse range of influences and styles, with artists experimenting with different sounds and production techniques. Some key artists associated with the genre include Cut Copy, The Presets, and Rufus Du Sol. Notable albums within the Australian House scene include Cut Copy's "In Ghost Colours" and The Presets' "Apocalypso."

Australian House music has had a significant impact on the global music scene, with artists from Australia gaining international recognition for their contributions to the genre. The infectious beats and catchy melodies of Australian House music have helped to solidify its place in dance clubs around the world.

Overall, Australian House music continues to be a vibrant and influential genre within the electronic music landscape, with artists pushing boundaries and creating innovative sounds that resonate with audiences both locally and internationally.


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