Arab Electronic

Arab Electronic Concerts


Arab Electronic is a genre of music that blends traditional Arab sounds with modern electronic elements. It originated in the late 20th century as Arab artists began experimenting with synthesizers, drum machines, and other electronic instruments to create a new sound that reflected their cultural heritage.

Key characteristics of Arab Electronic music include the use of traditional Middle Eastern instruments such as the oud and qanun alongside electronic beats and synths. This fusion creates a unique and innovative sound that appeals to both Arab and international audiences.

Over time, Arab Electronic has evolved to incorporate influences from various genres such as house, techno, and dubstep. Artists like Acid Arab, Bedouin, and Sama' Abdulhadi have emerged as pioneers in the genre, pushing boundaries and gaining recognition on the global music scene.

Notable albums in the Arab Electronic genre include Acid Arab's debut album "Musique de France" and Sama' Abdulhadi's EP "Dancing In The Dark". These releases have garnered critical acclaim for their innovative approach to blending traditional Arab music with contemporary electronic production techniques.

Overall, Arab Electronic has had a significant impact on the global music scene by introducing audiences to a fresh and exciting blend of cultural influences. Its continued evolution promises to inspire future generations of musicians to explore new possibilities in merging tradition with innovation.

Concert Schedule

Concert Date Artist Venue City
