Meredith Monk

Meredith Monk live in Venice

This concert has already happened

May 1, 2024 at Teatro Olimpico in Venice, Italy

Meredith Monk, an American composer, performer, and pioneer in contemporary music, is set to perform at the historic Teatro Olimpico in Venice, Italy on May 1, 2024. Known for her innovative vocal techniques and interdisciplinary approach to performance art, Monk's music style blends elements of opera, theatre, and dance to create a unique and immersive experience for audiences.

Teatro Olimpico, a renowned Renaissance-era theatre designed by Andrea Palladio in the 16th century, is one of the oldest surviving enclosed theatres in the world. Located in the heart of Venice, the theatre's intimate and ornate design features a stunning trompe-l'oeil stage set depicting classical architecture, making it a fitting backdrop for Monk's avant-garde performances.

Monk's concert at Teatro Olimpico is expected to showcase a selection of her original compositions spanning her prolific career, which has earned her numerous accolades including a MacArthur Fellowship "Genius Grant" and induction into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. With a repertoire that defies traditional categorization and pushes the boundaries of vocal expression, Monk's performance promises to be a captivating blend of music, movement, and visual artistry within the historic walls of Teatro Olimpico.


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Meredith Monk






ECM Records




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