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Tarmo Peltokoski Concerts


Tarmo Peltokoski is a Finnish conductor and pianist who has been making waves in the international music scene. Born in 1990, Tarmo's interest in music was evident from an early age. He studied piano at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and later pursued his conducting studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

Peltokoski's style is marked by a deep understanding of musical structure, combined with a keen sensitivity to orchestral color and texture. His interpretations are characterized by their emotional intensity and intellectual depth, reflecting his profound engagement with the works he conducts.

His career highlights include winning the Jorma Panula Conducting Competition in 2015 and serving as Assistant Conductor of the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra from 2016-2018. He has conducted numerous orchestras across Europe including the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, among others.

In addition to his conducting career, Peltokoski continues to perform as a pianist. He has won several prizes for his piano performances including the Maj Lind Piano Competition in Helsinki. As both conductor and pianist, Peltokoski’s versatility and musicianship have earned him recognition on an international scale.

Tarmo Peltokoski's accomplishments underline his commitment to musical excellence. His passion for music shines through every performance, making him one of today's most exciting young conductors.


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