
Eartheater, also known as Alexandra Drewchin, is a multifaceted musician and artist whose work defies traditional genre categorization. Hailing from New York City, Eartheater first gained recognition as a member of the experimental noise band Guardian Alien before embarking on a solo career.

Her music seamlessly blends elements of electronic, pop, avant-garde, and classical music to create a truly unique sound that has captivated audiences worldwide. Eartheater's ethereal vocals are often layered over intricate production that showcases her exceptional musical talent and creativity.

In addition to her solo work, Eartheater has collaborated with artists such as Oneohtrix Point Never and Jlin, further solidifying her reputation as a boundary-pushing artist in the contemporary music scene. She has released several critically acclaimed albums, including "IRISIRI" and "Trinity," which have garnered praise for their innovative approach to songwriting and production.

Eartheater's live performances are equally captivating, with her dynamic stage presence and mesmerizing visuals creating an immersive experience for audiences. Her dedication to pushing the boundaries of music and art has earned her a dedicated fanbase and critical acclaim from outlets such as Pitchfork and The Fader.

Overall, Eartheater is a truly visionary artist who continues to push the boundaries of music and artistry in exciting new directions. Her innovative approach to songwriting and production sets her apart as one of the most exciting musicians working today.


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