Catherine Graindorge

Catherine Graindorge Concerts


Catherine Graindorge is a highly acclaimed Belgian musician, composer, and actress known for her unique style and profound contributions to the music industry. Trained in classical violin from a young age, Graindorge has seamlessly transitioned into contemporary music, establishing herself as a versatile artist.

In her career spanning over a decade, she has collaborated with numerous artists and bands like Monsoon, Nox, and John Parish. Her compositions are characterized by their haunting beauty and emotional depth, often incorporating experimental sounds from her violin and viola. Her work has been described as cinematic – a testament to her ability to craft evocative soundscapes that resonate with listeners.

Graindorge's debut solo album "The Secret of Us All" was released in 2012 to critical acclaim. This was followed by "Eldorado" in 2016 where she collaborated with Hugo Race. Her latest album "Eldorado" (2020) showcases her growth as an artist and marks an evolution in her musical style.

Her accomplishments extend beyond music; Catherine Graindorge is also an accomplished actress having appeared in films like "La Confrérie des Larmes" and "Un Soir Autour de la Table". She has composed scores for several films and theatre productions, further demonstrating her versatility.

Catherine Graindorge's contribution to the world of music is noteworthy. Her unique blend of classical training with contemporary sensibilities offers a refreshing perspective on what music can be.


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